30 Anos TIY/ ISA/ 2022/
[Visual Identity]

The Yanomami Indigenous Land is a territory located in the states of Amazonas and Roraima, Brazil. It overlaps several federal and state conservation units and is home to the Yanomami and Iecuana peoples.
On May 25, 2022, the Yanomami, led by Davi Kopenawa, gathered more than 500 people in the community of Xihopi, in the state of Amazonas, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the recognition of the Yanomami Indigenous Land, strengthen the fight for their rights, and demand respect and peace to live. In addition to historical allies, such as Ailton Krenak, Sydney Possuelo, and Joenia Wapichana, among others, during the celebrations, the shamans invited the spirits of the forest to join them in celebrating this historic achievement.

  •               Credits
Agency/ Wieden + Kennedy
ECD/ Felipe Ribeiro
Creative Direction/ Vinicios Theodo
Graphic Design/ Djavan Amorim
Production Company/ Joint
Motion Design/ Gabriel Santana, Pedro Silveira
Photos/ Christian Braga and Victor Moriyama
Platform/ Commercial Type
Metropolis/ Chris Simpson

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